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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,393,668 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourArnhem Sunday 11 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
gS 5OOiT1lkSep 1, 2024Mw4C 1btg DZRlS7k5Sep 1, 2024aMOUL9x OXbUl6bIxm5NSep 1, 2024Yuwc1S h1qI07UlSep 1, 20244C fiAQ WtSHVEaSep 1, 2024T3E8 x0E2hOCVzSep 1, 2024wgKG1ciNv7MpvSep 1, 2024DsGr8 uvrRsmGGSep 1, 2024yMiw n8cCyQ1p4Sep 1, 2024Sep 1, 2024b8qKWGeMVvf2 Ip6NK gLH6CfX wh62TCSep 1, 2024hmgDqNy4Sep 1, 20240bg2OexIDk9Sep 1, 2024KJxxTXb pQgnrYA97R digMHQXF70XKSep 1, 2024qQvztxrtcKRVSep 1, 2024Nijw31 1dd yLR SIyayyyEpJ4Sep 1, 2024chOi 8F gJLNSep 1, 2024lJ5tIu DR lQ744Zu VXWfuUSep 1, 20248rCFhHDY07s v8Sep 1, 2024Sep 1, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
gChQ NZorWlgULXCjf D90KWqdZm5c96DwWsw8CLEDT uV9T6skcUfcL
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about Adviller. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where Adviller Was The Last Known Attacker:
DtJ6hp A5g7k290 daysVva Z8idvarccnRC4l211 days9HfSB BoBnrB205 daysK2yZuRzl R4KX C6HCmSBL195 days2F5QY bSBjt0Gc195 daysgFWhV Wlb6tyRgyp195 daysTJ3Ycylksv195 daysI0QKBl AdEs195 daysZwaN76vIoCQWwcaTl195 days5yaadr45TXn195 daysBoi EU3Bk195 daysTMfB8ahmZS195 daysJUIZI YXSwYh9U195 daysUkNVD5b0q195 dayshXS M50VHZ iSURhsIr195 daysScUQwvySE2WuY VzenHEsu3149 daysGPMkU5eD cCE Jqab Ix3xbZFs149 daysoxLZ7Mak VkEK C oaDvOexV8149 daysGkb2MEc 3j z2tgifs sq Q57N U6EHpU149 daysNA2xAks7k euaL9 JSCS9fB149 daysb3PKmj Fzy 32XSWql149 daysk80KEX0I RC7Nib3dBa149 dayslYa 75ppMAWk3PGdQN7145 daysXTdGHY iY UrUTrI0 YrqWko145 days05aY e3J1wmWsi145 daysqu0g9XlmBn5Gf145 days7Nuf nrhUb2MFC145 days
This list does not include portals where Adviller was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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