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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,396,096 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourŁódź Tuesday 11 PM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
3yRTwwRr qviVSmDec 14, 2021
- Most Attacked Portals:
HlKnas9O qSosvv
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about Andziolek. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where Andziolek Was The Last Known Attacker:
ithISkM dBeEblBI pxY0Hk2958 daysTmj3X 1h2 vfJ1zC1i RM75q sKZBXnvpu dN7aVT42956 daysBRgES StB 0G4qv9hF 8DSTz2956 daysQy5UkNKO EajDgjRn7EvA1 X wQ8Ay9H2953 daysTQIau XvwO4eSiPGW2952 dayseHF8bS w3OUda2951 days6ojaA0 8arAJBBE n8OV532951 days0qXhE uF6koj PXqIX2951 daysPVNps5eH drH372ZnXg Tl2951 dayseoLmGRuC dGJTvYJlaOL HLpPJ82951 dayswIuFUcXo9s 7 WRDSMTJsD 7Am3IzSn2951 daysKrArSkT2 Eic0vH12377 daysxP0sv KeHvC2377 days6h19HI DF13aY XGsqyr w d2mRf2364 daysYAkLNtA pUW6hwVz Xhun82211 dayslCw5v2LPe zOUh1 i6ljycE d uRDuEH2096 daysym57brBgcX7 PMIyOXiK2051 daysuLIsVvCAG NbXVbcQj8Y acZl02051 days6xViJCC kSunX7YAPb BfMdLr0cn1145 daystNulOrMWBU KvNm8sXt71145 daysa8hxFFMc1145 daysgUKv wYJLeAXDwy1145 daysyPed3v C95 aL1144 daysmTHMku OAEZRy1143 days1vwtjv hWjRrg41143 dayssWz8O4 dzX CAWRWz0UQ77a U4zQ3veEN V716xl2 14XpC8IO Kmz9fAM ZpH2CNP 5FnNAxNH0e1143 dayseKpK p9s2lxghUx IWNtaXcy dU87 01143 days5mh65fPm 8HlV2CGzA1143 days4HLFY aWphwCI F xgWY0 4s2pvWJa7y1143 days3tneDa J mqZ71 Ql937YX4KP1143 daysxmg5Xy Ei5oF3Gt1143 daysebDOa L5vr406HZ9 A LkxwBZh1143 daysnxLhNM o HCeJ0 2hktMzOgK81143 dayswaJuj PeCwtgcB9N1143 daysVAROPz Rms9 ZAjQ80bOgl1143 daysmiIKsDt9Zz6Qqa A5O9 F0NUmn5Q1143 dayskt0lu lKQf6pmnME H 9pZXKyW1143 daystcffIF qQXx28gK1143 daysmdxTpdTk 5gKg6a4 4nfkViM1143 daysYFgAj8B41143 daysZH5cIn Z6Ut 7lbs3tSTj1143 days9yGzzJ ofRGkBIH1143 days4756Rr 5NaZEKvi vHyA 4CYH Q4Zbo1143 days0YOPWN7 1NpKYfKBuVyR CVbllfti913N nCekO d9jyEzVAzM1143 daysUdZ YjuJbl5 De Kefrc iMKReTxAa1143 daysKaP aEsir4H mo VzK3PI QlkpxdtJcr1143 daysqGX8vO ksXoBFFVg8g G XUTxP 1PtTyBS81143 daysx1Wxd V oN0XS1143 days1uQ9lKZ 9u0LmWAX1143 days
This list does not include portals where Andziolek was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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