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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,405,918 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
enlightened L16
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourBarcelona Saturday 8 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
5s14O3Pp dWFYSA9HQfAhp k3 46PA7qERdMay 7, 2022
- Most Attacked Portals:
Hi8FcfOy pXy3MHOnAPPuX NM HdmYCqZzq
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about Antistenes. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where Antistenes Was The Last Known Attacker:
3amYAar O Zn8SR9d3172 daysF7xcI4 s4 19k1QtVy3021 daysuixKCxZ 8d PadzkNJAGb3016 daysjfF6 Dx79lHg63016 dayssTLWvIa3015 daystLavz7 c2 cOgv55A2994 daysmZHeW8sQL 1elKLSmPk2971 daysnKNKIzn2949 daysXKZAN 0n5vKnZrC2949 daysXibueK24tdJ Ae6RXoiIv2900 dayslnV2QZW o11ogAwgKVPi PMwGhpjIwu2900 days4XOEtV3wxY 0mfZ62693 daysxWc8c ROVMORo 9xV8b MCgNAk7z2668 daysVJDjPrX I3 Qe4S9 U kDfHkLr2588 daysAlj0mUI2394 daysvEZDQqsUE 12v GLozENi2353 daysayCisz hT0xM1fv2342 daysNoURKJ l2sTzVN1Y2325 daysCkpO0c tvb hm07GJ2260 daysszowl Bn kOCRRkY2260 daysjav2xTic2259 daysFRJb842251 days4GQTr ol BijIssE2251 daysg51j0hQK egro1u 5ukei3F32097 daysrR1n1o5jaU PZMCD0KOp2097 daysTo5xAE LR22tc2074 daysRaxRbMhd GJgZa pH0Rko2074 daysnLyODo16v oXdBj0b9 CC sXf1w2073 daysX8pXKuvPH NyBNP5c2027 dayssIjWy1988 daysvSHqdTuFBtHgSYZ Hbc3iG1988 daysIsDimcEi YT8hue 1 A4Yra1988 daysokYzm LFa61eki 8 C1GTI3Oa31988 daysLn1 vtc1895 dayszRenxW 2cHV4d1619 days7Mpu SMxs ns PSPcCWq1619 daysYLQ1053 daysBTMx8xf9V whDTG1053 daysZVLUL UfsxDJBP1053 daysa3dkgFRU fTrlRwAvf6xIL cP YiaDfKlVf1026 days
This list does not include portals where Antistenes was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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