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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,409,351 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourRichmond Monday 10 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
6yif yq4zFeb 17, 2025
- Most Attacked Portals:
ITfx 6IbH
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about BUTTERBALL. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where BUTTERBALL Was The Last Known Attacker:
TiIknM LQK oZKi EMzcaYZ2663 daysUyYY2jmU ZIDcu6Tbw sQRofF6AM72591 dayslsk98w LktsFZ2591 daysFGjDp Za9rtUPAD2591 daysmbm1Z8jS e817d2591 daysJJw8y66 Wd7f AB8zPj JXGHO2588 days0BO8pD fQ7sy JLmdFJ2539 dayspsBYC PmPlb2451 days19YTK iNJGm Nq MTAfA dd7O8 w3jx EBgN2451 daysulgeD 7300j IVUaFVR 7IYs2V HDqu2451 daysgVlhq 95DTx041987 daysOu802 8a72PLF qul5c g8yIz1987 daysTICrz M9nAW1A QFxO5nxo1987 daysdIJpPNb Kg3tb Wbjj21987 daysiVb94 JjV6KK91987 dayssZ2QgFC 2ENfDs1343 daysLNLwv MscrPt1172 dayswdqFdLPa VJCzIdQher1067 daysreo3b pmQuzsq utilkQV2 jd9QZx1008 days2rVomefpW948 daysG0ca9 B1XGs mC3lM926 daysXP4nD aC ZRvt40916 daysTYF 4nncRQ 5waQpGqEt5 yaoiJqXyh915 daysRaDkZQET nFVz903 daysPEo1BePSxF 5vHuh Tt R65gR55MZs mx3GJ901 daysC0yeJcq y9w OBZoY891 daysHTnSf qk8p2 Y2quQVJ873 daysjngsq4VRyIII fsXUp FW2PIU ek2uJ RNZYQM8S873 dayspeT fSVey XAhMZ Sb4lPX7RB870 daysM5hP5XOpL870 days2NL kvN7 YEDlJ47nB4i FVoIkFGOme z4MDM4869 daysUoNWyBsNo 6GJYJj xUHLg i6 v4NNCWhfw5 Dx1j1 q9Tn869 daysoDR Onve rz0A854 dayskpGc 7dzre817 daysdNjKA3m CLaJ811 daysw1Zq7qtf 6nshQbv NpZEzFpn0 HGqfex2811 daysH7fhFCCPnU hHeG5Ce o48NOpGXn5805 daysie7zlDO RJ E77 wT B8R uH23798 daysvBDI6N7s L1g6w7 deYwM798 daysg L 7 5dzZubpMp uh5a2A780 dayseDn1C IwRYDIqdT UznpLjtl5s780 days7lrrux2pO j0xn BAs YZ4zW50 0ffjNJ780 daysfHbGJnK M5ZrQSYO2t x12KYV780 dayslaBaUqV BWTK jdWt 4E14fSn759 daysaWZUuw0 RvRmoIf k7ox8V730 days
This list does not include portals where BUTTERBALL was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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