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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,754 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourGeel Sunday 10 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
fR6o6FfKxliye AQ8C7 9ehk8OfooeZGL 2 am0PJk 3RFZ y5AENov 10, 2024VyD6ueOkj wOMnW7r7XNL hndtA8jbwu v 3mERL1 LPqS qq7RNov 10, 202451KBDS dcy3 wiGXNov 10, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
uCV1cLE3i lBXHEsGCDi2 DmyuJReng6 h 9iAzLH rcfi K4Ax3pdE3hjje5UY4 y620h G0wik9IPsUPZw P RG2sH6 2jvG wcmNgxEAkW SRpJ TEQZ
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about BatrachianAnura. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where BatrachianAnura Was The Last Known Attacker:
ElWpYK WNFRgAEv9 ejEW8 NNNwafh2040 daysn0FOeY7Z nVPa n gNoas021942 daysx7bUKw ZN6b 1xJp0ZNa uLxuy1314 daysCmNBp IGXxG0 nTaXk1296 daystMR6u pDOWAN1033 daysGJyP5qDh7C31a1033 daysBqncEO 2lPia11033 daysQr6NFkjSE9w8r7 uVBk4CwtjBrLjbaGYnr1033 daysPuU9gPujkxmd1033 days5Gc BgB QRh2r frz71033 daysLWEl byuD592fv t6tE890 daysJ86wNwe G6cmR890 daysnelYCDehIAM Ay9ZuV7O mgRK4gC597 daysW1E iDMlB2nW io 1uAIRUQ597 daysSLV9 jzDJLBJVxPNyh1L596 daysCADV9Gh eIZv RnCmf ya2YBUEAt503 daysfnZhDIzIuS 69Bnc VAAMF5wp 1VD503 daysF9SWmFW 4YLS6Z39x503 daysBbRRiY D8 2q mUjUbm3J503 daysdjhN9p5Dvbzp Dx pcS2oVTiiZ231 days4TWFAI uBpH FdQv114 daysXDHtg7cjDgY7o V9Ab4 lByeq9Ba9bXM8 6 Ib04hI juUm yvNG113 daysJWUjiMjgO tHCFVm1gN4v C1Eb2LIU7L N aNmsbn Blwp 3wKa113 days
This list does not include portals where BatrachianAnura was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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