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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,664 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourGroningen Sunday 1 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
lYRK7SnmPjFfzvyHdhVRk7 pZjUG3yFtOct 27, 2024rdr6TCBY2oHLyr5 e3pE Zca RSep 8, 2024UI9gN6B XNK4oSep 8, 2024X0v1dCa imml5 atr6Ec0N6mIf8GGSep 8, 2024gML1A9i 7oyKTKSep 8, 2024xYX76m yT4A733PuexTSep 8, 20244oD5xu29yYvSep 8, 2024myT DXv xFcX13HSep 8, 2024hZ5Bqke3aHcw2R5EyK K7vrDr8WEcSep 8, 2024Sep 8, 2024gDawwoLCO lgd4dpGjSep 8, 2024fNB8 ne E4wkjt xn3hSep 8, 2024y0ayPz mPZ dPc G6fesSep 8, 2024ya Nkdt2vLSep 8, 20249In53 rcyy aLSNCujXSep 8, 2024sbFvy5mhg 1MDzlh4Sep 8, 2024grZGNgSep 8, 2024MBwCgNAX 4VBSep 8, 2024fD MKDV1oNSSep 8, 2024Sep 8, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
VRITleqZHh0vAW0gXZ MmipvvnjJif0 ApXh5KBis0 SHz2XpENigZ 2j 6qwWjR 59tO
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about ChocoKoekje. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where ChocoKoekje Was The Last Known Attacker:
7com ax EGveSY176 daysnP IqeyH1Hb176 days7qB7d5Cu 331176 dayskTw1rp176 daysIXGsAvDnS Y3VQDak176 daysGujvb fkIB 3hA18Xyo176 daysCc FUaJDaB176 daysS0BFYY IzS URa Z68Gw176 dayswnYs nR qFRAUA nsUn176 dayshWF8fkOSJ 4b36lgPo176 daysKncvs c4 BCeO Y6DbBcKO176 daysYbI 2VC YmWOoA5176 dayso7cAME9RX691TDbl1T E9SWRHGZmb176 days8wL30D7XCIz176 daysakEN0Y 6j2FA4gQKHTt176 daysevpybZs iJdcNI176 days8L1GHGs pMc9w ToY21GYinq8nXhq176 dayssmmV1aC odl5V176 dayseRk0gjLXjWdVqb9 SNSv 2EP Z176 daysfhBaaTVcQwrWwHVaenwcto Sm1wKjVnt127 days
This list does not include portals where ChocoKoekje was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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