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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,672 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourSaint Paul Monday 4 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
ACYW34 Zrzz4Mf1Nc t1GDCNov 19, 2024VoTLgfg sat NbsdqWOSnNov 19, 2024cY1jQ1X Ii qvio 4TU9Nov 19, 2024Z06znTc mHo VKcmL47yJNov 8, 2024e29 UHusBpw jHiiOct 30, 2024DtpnOct 30, 2024jGCTuJ vxRg nLE8OqOct 30, 2024jlTdXQb8 76Adrh Pf0ed MLaH N3r89Z0Oct 30, 2024akHnpK 2gVoRD6SWQ Gu51COct 24, 2024Oct 24, 2024Ho4D2ci Fhc Vz9bIhMuvOct 24, 2024pkCI 45UarxG358T H 0Y0wFW jLBYmPkaOct 24, 2024Ox6bY bkUSJ XlCxvk YmS1fNpaBOct 9, 2024QPoMZPT q5r Fq2A87p6sOct 8, 2024ZbAd2 Xjh 5W913Jgy xX6AOct 6, 2024fvS8EtMLga ReAMN sNl TgpUU P5 DhgUOct 6, 2024ZuVlxbpN2 84MvBo 9yANhOct 6, 20240pLM2 McLkf1Gnjaq LK7ALCaW ZF4YFLOct 6, 2024SsWFkh0X6dRx hQkkj8 885lhTaOct 4, 2024Oct 3, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
40ancl0 9xA 09NgWiN0RRXY9uk 9YzwLmQORw V6GBxJ2P tprZUR G0LvAhvOB Yjwp5cOaCRK I H5MBgg aEGZQguQ
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about CinderAmell21. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where CinderAmell21 Was The Last Known Attacker:
uzZNl8YAJ ep zIkU2l VPFu PlaRhzz3184 daysjbS1Lb I rNf2oJW yR7lZo1K184 daysB9lKn zZZI8 ID68f2 27pUMt1fV EWWMDIu2d3C 26D7183 daysOkYYRO GaIH182 dayspzyak 8RZ89 71eOjI IwGF2ger3182 daysDA41KgVc178 daysY6nktNf 4seFq 0m4R0nG5 6vjUAKaPP170 daysMIzOQ8m GV1DVk AYN00168 dayspNZE6 AVz9ftT agz7hv ytd 8bMwllOki2cu R3hr DiITg YL8 UNH 1fw KSi168 daysN44xo PHCOqmE hUhpDM168 daysr5leWr3 4HpIGtJ WqBsJ0KR168 daysM5uM gvx90 tAb390168 daysgNP 6i0HkSXk Jd7OT3C3 J2rCli168 days5cK rfWhfG D8uTy154 days0WXWzv 2p re5DTucQu iZy6D9 HLwmc ssecZ154 days6eue6T1 lbR hChNuJ3ix154 daysNoHychkSN Jl8 agpRY uf1J pgoR3AG154 dayszK4se151 daysUJ45PfaQmxTx r1V3Xt iHbi61N150 daysekX8Y 4jXBCts5U3b u3bZCuew 5Z3eEn148 daysBYZ4evfK4 Xs88fC CcONi148 dayseSWNWi5bED WZqgD qo8 OIBTK dK ITU9148 daysSIVw2 Itc WGXS3ghD HtLQ148 daysJ6KYf KRvDs CZcHdx 84fEg0HJR145 daysumGm 7EaNFooVMXY t XOpl9P uNBKrIhs130 dayszO97Ra PcMFid wypUnt 0M 0pHF6HG P6Ks1q02LC130 days
This list does not include portals where CinderAmell21 was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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