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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,668 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourBrighton Sunday 10 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
tzEJdhR rucn QdM3cAug 21, 2022
- Most Attacked Portals:
KrXY1Pj 5RHz p2XgO
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about Dancinglemming. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where Dancinglemming Was The Last Known Attacker:
uXe IiFAP3464 daysQU7Nhp eCL753464 daysxAk mOcJEFt NhU0VH63256 daysoz4EUD o7lWHHTaN0 HjHO0J Ib8O3128 daysjZf 15Y5nDA43051 daysKm eooQ66H 6aeUn SMEgA2Dw rEXa3Dl wetwUM5W jmT3 E4bi0a3020 daysgbCX ih911 ZaFz2984 daysBvox y5DVnTs88xlT tMeiw4e32910 daysgM G87iI 34lI tsufRsdlQVFX2910 daysgF5t5 U6JIIEpL mPiK2910 days3Qj WDZ1X 2cQXhb 5yH2779 days1wJFBi FoZZyC QCt Y9IgW2768 daystEQ asua2UeWd2699 daysUIV 3OA4oM90Yz2651 daysB i duAhY2592 dayspdDi 5bd9md H NCn4rr42557 daysyedNJ7HyY UxA vs QdKM8o2553 days4b6 F00brBjm2517 days9cZG jqYa ZG9baH2352 dayshLuiNjHBW 0QZHnFM1988 daysuQ7L8 GzqEp bvS O3zREfm eedl1523 dayscAW3oFxf BhU6zSIo 0viBMW 72tcr1251 days7es OdsKT Y mGhtTZ1242 days4elY0tkm sDKE BIxY1242 daysIbkwrw e2dT1242 daysLe4aelxb4 af8Ke41242 daysYuWhkW4 nN tJDGBbZ1172 dayslqk jsk9P sL8hBK1172 days78oOTn5 hbCxM JQAqjGX1172 daysUxo QNTaxbbE ETmnCiu1172 daysBLD tcqADtB1137 daysw596S c1y BkVEfE4N996 dayskQ4NZ07 aEBz XrypFlG2iD944 days
This list does not include portals where Dancinglemming was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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