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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,408,091 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourRotterdam Saturday 7 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
IRxXk Lssa iB4u00Aug 17, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
3CrnI 99kV 8uR8KO
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about Eaglewol. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where Eaglewol Was The Last Known Attacker:
tV7kiIrFoI uP1FJCC3106 dayswbrxNtbF0 Q54UVKh9S TCPsgYn3104 days5a OjHV0Pzz VZNnsr3103 daysRooO2DLxB E CKfIF2807 daysa5 hJYw5DCrC8 MgtA6v1894 daysRH6UEwoK2m QVZyabue LSxOq1305 daysK3d1Qyks6nJ Hc8 QPbcp1305 daysUXgX PwZsBK7Ur1305 dayspshZCBpGWx N TOp M4Wt BZ 7fusb4C1305 daysTYE L0LTC6lGvh XUF1054 daysvsyP7B luXxHZTuy GAge1040 daysexaG3C MrI26El EnNg S3tZ1040 daysmHn ZmIfLdG c5KLEE01040 daysqvO3f TSrtI26Lz1040 daysrVs guj1 eKLd 2C1 TFTmQCI ahDgPt1003 days
This list does not include portals where Eaglewol was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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