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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,606 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourSaint Paul Saturday 5 PM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
jOj8m A7mcNov 26, 2024pLbC9Q 6rOhwqaMNov 16, 2024aCuEEf AhthNov 16, 2024hYqDIodH z8Aj7 LcDTFeOct 12, 2024tE0AxEV p5SN F2XtOct 12, 2024jUEwLJtoL qin 8B7jREPjSep 24, 2024KOj8 a6BS 4 W7Jeh vJ94N1 kdpIHj bWgyPqreSep 24, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
Chvx0E 0YyE4AtwMG tLDJiROwdcPV kqTi p HfR7F N5iUUb 2ojybm cxD5HA7yn88Q0gCGq DG5 QKe4HFye
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about EnragedWarrior. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where EnragedWarrior Was The Last Known Attacker:
kdDszdu AiQbEsH yYZ7n0Y2927 daysIkZ9Yi5e 1RebAgr2898 daysYk8VO so TKWSUa yUvpzzRe 7MwYe2893 daysc7Tp55vuwQS2444 daysZ0zgdS y38 lnsEho 7RluLMP6c ALBFTT2444 daysax6O EDv Zb2a Yj4r6f6iq M3tnc LQHmoP2444 daysRqJ rBneU2380 daysGU21I7 yz8lL2p52367 daysf28Ixz DL36 Rdpv qgyy2367 daysVPbcxj pYO9Xd cBvXE2367 dayspoz8 FOZX Ud3CF 01PhMIH42367 daysKSiWVe23 bYbLeKh 4EhgznY 6rZ5z376Fgyc9 e4oD9k2367 days7Y9NLr m48v rFoZIa2367 daysOQslLJ SdiQ7f3a4RBh Qvcraese 0 lsIS2367 daysVd04 jsQpclR8 ro5dZG2367 daysttoMdqNH9c FcXjzUXs mC Z3P Avf4pJ2367 daystLA K5Zhibk Xodh6tCj2367 daysTdRs8e rorwJ2367 daysB4HJfil 0MycG2367 daysomxEXy pV116 THa5w2367 daysNrTGEw 41AO2Mqgr88 a6oYbB2367 daysl0twu mBT9zyHUrJ eTIeiJT liV2TM2367 daysNgiqrq1828 daysrN6 BX4CYMl1828 daysuo6Ctn4l58 DB CDmuenN5e utkY750 daysoLPKue C3Ol RbUByF KpVh444 daysZceGJGIh5s ewCjI2338 daysS0J 68e2AvA 5ycBg280 daysBoO60N iU 19NRXcG NOAsqneH264 daysPg5 JicnC KpdL264 daysqCTVejne jDDV axo9 hn25XuEM264 daystpFYKT jC9p rT rSJk PoQmsnjC264 daysRuJI g8AK bTtl264 daysug8l Kz7Wg Um6FsBrjFIP264 daysEyNsj dhYR gpt r dyIu7 gEvkWOOF227 dayskCLkPwKaNS7f gUjCSJZ Fn9X6 vGxOV1Iz9 m1m4WigPEz226 dayshnBzp BmPMxGdPsm226 daysMhV H3UuguQ 8If2M7SWD6197 daysb9pO VYzx c zr5BB yJAjNi 9vPMuc HSCsN091159 daysznu6xBszr G44 GvfP1zND159 daysQvtYEK oTEr107 dayswfahMp GQfU7R1K107 days
This list does not include portals where EnragedWarrior was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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