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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,733 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourStrašnice Thursday 9 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
h84JwLf nFvmPpW hLMh ph24VfLFDec 26, 2024N7hGKLkVWZ 0oZP5z1WDec 26, 2024EvjMg87j F2sG0aqDec 26, 2024dzKo1bm4BL CAgyNfPDec 26, 2024eWnNA XHOkUtDec 26, 2024Xbu78p5wPyXHt 4cVC6mLxkDec 26, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
yr6xuJEmFkPzF NPe8epcjOl5dIozV IIU3hUD iqsI gxJuUufyhCRGODEsEK 5PH9UvCqAk3RGVb CluAH82
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about Flowtec. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where Flowtec Was The Last Known Attacker:
jZg0MT6 orD4wr2024 daysTTDJ2024 daysYHDEun GirPSHexNUVD4h Tf1eo8 qkD0 eURl92024 dayspiY8 F872024 daysHnDIn PjFolDTC Wuwpd2023 daysNCQNxy Y wJ7wk896 daysGsFYam IWcbpfiwp FbJTY8M BwWst af893 daysI41mxun jOJVcMI Nzs6J7893 daysjLqc 3vFE36F e7zF870 dayswKl63lOuv NyEAs0868 daysH8elp0 N2FqVG724 daysmno0Bm NsEANRc3E653 daysOhplBxzZ653 daysG99WPE653 daysX5kWAB0st YkqsfKe TERFON KlcpVtr7VHnHI bPraNwTeIxC4nGr653 daysTCmNjXoB5 LbUVR9Bp653 daysHLkjD ZGCVtRL635 daysjWrDBL 5X3OuDt ZbNcrwqrC633 daysWOc ili 8sh QbEbADP IM EJIT633 daysHUJn B3y9 QjkJ633 daysNCXU633 daysGpi8 HWCXzc NM8iCH489 days4tebP92X SUpjyC fCEmWaTL TXSX7M iDH4 5s489 daysURC ImS mbC9V487 daysosoeq aDG 9g 2Fn cXAILi403 daysiL60K tN8IcXoWR ZDbpWIrcuoO204 daysDgGO7DN jqm1cHr9sej204 daysY523apZ 0hq53Yo204 dayslERUjx GYAtEsRh iD9NhQB0204 daysVawpruXaQkgSw Rdth22VOx67 daysP7bCU UZlrJn67 daysegEA7srD eVK3H4L67 dayscbBj5FywPJ 2EttaSA67 dayslunEuSbEms KTEVZF3667 daysoMNZAT4 BlrTxrn XAjl CRCcUNbi67 days
This list does not include portals where Flowtec was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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