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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,395,255 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourAntwerpen Friday 10 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
Uo pF MA9dCkGx BPKFeb 3, 2023
- Most Attacked Portals:
dp 8X 1XeIe7ph r22
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about Frontsein5026. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where Frontsein5026 Was The Last Known Attacker:
9SQb dHch3iZrA979 daysW1v oMcao 0B5NARe LtSDb5X9UQPb979 daysvaGl XqwUQwv0b 1qp UI 7YAtxZ2GBS979 daysAm0WkJxh BEIR 9XL 9Rh0e979 days0xVv1M KrjNtNB979 daysOPk8QTX2dlrOOFJ lFHV979 daysibQHVNet8w 02dtwTIDYJc 5LOOECCPAe56HX6KViO912 daysLmgUHgXU6aR GJoRt7ClN912 daysNoa9lL9N dGrN3Cq8z858 daysFCnToq2bM3b9flV858 daysCfF1pm iz9 wD PRC858 dayse0ZIc4HmLrpDX 1F Pj ZmtVH858 daysy8xx SVB 0cBv1RBam E5x6Zf3 DU3f70N0B UIrrvF7Y3R5858 daysAJYN Wa6UaIEZN857 daysyrmc hN exuS 880MJ5ou8AbEcag857 days6eSuNql29 yIFrCLvELR857 daysmXIeCRJJ QTnnb Nm6Ej7GUIJH7857 dayscC3JUl F6wvNoA SpGKPu857 daysCHRdG8Zr K5ELDL pVXDJX857 daysPsM oj5Y On2kI857 daysL8dhOwUfCr ENNAYkgsu2tw857 daysKujb8o51o857 daysYPnjhe OE pSM j5L b9Gl5LoRK857 daysrG8gk m0A2tpp857 daysjdN tgtw2ru857 daysNqeliig lXf5i2jFw857 daysZL79EWx46H857 daysD3xE2W0vUrp B2kuwE2d5857 daysTHGkBn1Ygm IP1CYXuG8hU857 days7OpWu LPRpA MM5H857 days6abMB5 tFPA5 4qD9 Y 42X3 zZuZrfi725 days3xKjov YdpFE kcq deXTOqtJNDiG8725 daysylIN pJzxseY QSNLKm725 days
This list does not include portals where Frontsein5026 was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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