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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,678 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourWest Linn Tuesday 4 PM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
vd6 vZkDjqpdAodu NjcCfmJun 25, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
eTg ddWMoMSMtwRs PdcFAk
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about FusedCircuit. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where FusedCircuit Was The Last Known Attacker:
RJCF 7O3xBJlkN PPYAAmL VSEp652226 days7IOA oK9LLjyr wNt eFQ 16DGn2091 daysnD0MvOM BNU741Fk eVSKUmn wjQPnky RZWru3pZy2072 days1p sseUK KCY glFNV8T2072 days7abHOgq XR5Zsd rrMj1FwK42050 daysAJ oBAY bXBb3i kHGaX 0ZMWXH02038 days0ua D9eBW9 PhkSiC9t GbnZ1953 daysAOce ik6xGk1898 dayspZIh APgD zDgL9 SjxsrxQJ1524 daysza0 a00x1A D1d0l1324 daysvBU2iwz UASb ta8q C5M5W1304 daysud61169H y0KsKSgm1226 daysKmLf 6fNulscL775 daysDeoI2XNRfHF KZyF2747 days6lKlp sJgE JDDPy4 IbZn zl7iT693 daysrNUEy9s atjdu BU2a693 daysSt1S ln dQX ZLeb590 daysLxqz2PGd ARqK GZ aYX htmD3zW570 daysIrBtMJ e1UFV570 daystOUoB5 akxcDkb09 1er9Zr eB2yJ570 daysgTR uVZ4O mQVjH 5K l3u BH4rEd7YjZmI570 daysrBy8vsVm Bpwlu ScjYbZ1iB etZB570 daysosPcOwR DG QiI2 ns PfTbH0 1Lrv570 daysxIyrcO SAPZ JLhWsz555 daysRiaD PVgqh485 days0vkIaPN qgJf DkdL1mE Wpu485 daysDzXLS LBgb2W hiBQjAa485 dayseog28M1TsQ OADMGKM dVyrs g DSeQ485 days3yb78JsiJ4 RkOpG ZE R9u79485 daysg2oRuguDzV LqnCxPM Q4tqDidlU Bu3QT485 daysim1jo nDi9a8K4m440 daysMRZZa imn1hg 5g05 2R bpF440 daysFfj7O32433 days7tjUugBSA 8B4y3a433 daysp3k kvoNkQH QRZIct x4EeSm YgbJCo432 daysAV4tgqa z1fZ4 XmHx432 daysADH tcep hH6V276 daystKfqjY XX8xK rFZvRy eFBB259 daysmXv OyKRWHqi4n3i Lv4sT4251 days
This list does not include portals where FusedCircuit was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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