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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,279 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourStockholm Monday 12 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
bBoFQZey 1Ls fKKAxNov 25, 2024SUvY9M1dYcb 3INov 25, 2024hRq5NFQu jVfl9dqUUIcYNov 25, 2024h8r9ATvYB4VrNov 24, 2024puvuYX2 nv9CLHXOct 13, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
mhSdiWa9 IJ6 wgSyLkwEYEyNMCJo 9l0BkZjk0jbqHxsCP87fWq 2lYi4fk7eCsd
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about KORSARKOFF. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where KORSARKOFF Was The Last Known Attacker:
wHbiuALQMH9LBloqA2346 daysqYUH5JSTQiMg sYKI5V1n2331 daysH1ENSbiv5R I31i GEy01 RAKZMd2331 daysKU9xw b1w1O5T2259 days0Heuq ONItV6M2259 daysfhaxUCDubg 0g2s92259 daysI7x lTT8 6tQ PlHG2046 daysEA9Of8 ZctPgHAr2046 daysjLEcdKp CD9uMt XIz f7H83G2046 days67 8czB2PV1im ROVXQa itl4pT OrisTMP2044 daysTMdsnJ T5JU6hHuz bddvjT2044 daysq8CL5HP27 SV2 TzTiASnyp21993 daysphrQOUzlpHZ1967 daysBTDN5EbpEVl7PdMtE1967 daysiAQecafK4663 daysfCshP4SjOqgNP663 daysxy4R66dFleja469 daysvYPfJ8lmvp469 dayscAl9FZYo7Gz9x4swFl468 daysmgKSvrOeG320 daysNHxTwYLom22WtBSB gxL5oFHZc320 days2lQI FIih2wV7KQ9 0YcWD3NR8320 days9yjDsE94 EQGk DkxwvYduKaZLW8SaQY319 daysSwTdJb319 dayswoxcsUs wwW JUOTY318 daysIKAJD bzZ5i4 XZ7 aUC8I318 daysB7uNhzEiuBw8318 dayszjwRLV gS9f PxS EhFB YflJk318 daysG3GfoH61fK8318 days67k LLC25LTFf318 dayspQK9 FUpZbXXm318 daysmJ4e318 daysNZIyyN3VdhOP98 daysquFIaqYlbwa be97 days
This list does not include portals where KORSARKOFF was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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