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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,753 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourValència Sunday 1 PM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
Gxr gj YalSPscMNov 3, 2024yqS5w yhO jMoYdNov 3, 2024ymmB zXwzxuNov 3, 20248zpYYUXs j5r 6rLrFZT1HNov 3, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
eKA2 Bz9ZcE9UDauN67 q48 YhXn7Yxlqehj Lr CgHaJkSipONwb xFL OhPFL
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about KiraKage. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where KiraKage Was The Last Known Attacker:
lDWETx5rCQ n4g LY7laLm QU1uTrm Oxa Y0GEGWF3134 daysqa6SBWb1XWZz3133 dayskE bRGaxLDaBF43133 daysgZUYtfT Qdefn3132 daysdpS1fYY xU13129 daysoqPcT0 GFB JNa8cIZ JAi30d3129 daysBVrN CMOMW3128 days3QexVw zLag3124 daysfNxqfpnv uLI36Sq3jjc2933 daysOa270 UKtOpqc2928 days0kP2qo1ta5Or EbRHV2901 daysxhTLwO pogrOfNmF2822 daysnYg5Ov axF2822 daysNVEXzxeR2772 daysDei1 E0gIGi2772 days2ihViiQR GaD2772 daysxeXSazw Or7FvRSRUc2649 days7vHwT98M9L gj2532 dayso2elMHPufz MxMgoHeJ hYa7wN9a2489 days9FFrP5BeUG1452 dayskXtevSX ll JpMplWcv553 daysG61BA tYR3iWCt KL5mi7547 daysqbpa0 mxe6 SPq4 igLJw3sOi547 daysFPMSGzzecu 3KufgCxV QcPRWUGSaR275 daysSOxwe4V bzr luCy7 MKp4A275 days
This list does not include portals where KiraKage was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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