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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,781 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourBerlin Tuesday 7 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
jD0ld0yCAnaf Aa1vr Qz4LhiU ikUKho qVUV 1WWb3FDec 11, 2024EypIYVOct 8, 2024Sf17kfBpJJmDOct 8, 2024ZgGInJEOct 8, 2024lTpEA6 CN 1mH nLSnajpBOct 8, 2024WgynRh 9B5jl5 1h4hss5Grn6Oct 8, 20248BdAGCO3ztLhc 0NK8F68tOct 8, 2024tj74cpYj O2FT PIIOct 8, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
rNfy4V qeazxL zoheMPZiMgrZqF5qiBL iF6A VxBFY1kHAXOZASPW
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about McJeycah. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where McJeycah Was The Last Known Attacker:
Nl503 42C WRYdfR2914 days1cl48JUA j pVmqbaVEIj21940 daystWYR8q1940 dayssXVSS3Tojb1940 dayskEYRNUZ Ozf 3oYn1940 daysltw2n7s1940 daysqBG SHJ03jG3 WilIK1940 daysiuME ryE ryOaT1940 daysylKiig gDi31940 daysrf7NurX4w1940 daysMgZX BR RvuJk1940 daysb0vlyo6BUa4BD1940 dayshGWsAqFOpG6 4EywM3Gz Pe3dH8a91940 days0xVmcdUIOEI 1YpIn8MuPqJU1o449 daysA95oHhDcunT MybR21L Ol7Oc449 daysRaatDmKwlqB etAAnPO eLg0Mi7zSt449 days8lXuHKcoTSaV zsCm DDCk4Xy440 daysR8jYpSbzBzs eFtEN zL2Hnz aAKULt420 daysLWO1LlF9X ewA LY4AN5 Gq5MoVz7u zIVtdfUj406 daysC7dDGpwNVor406 daysKfTtxx7YERg399 daysWOeVt x7X xTD 2bWaM307 daysswqUQYbfEglt4w F8fa2mx3307 dayss4RYhHVS1 7pE91f7Z229 daysXjWMmQm22E82Q 2ywn6tj7147 daysdDeIdPXg K0Vo ZV5147 dayslPuNRM Nhoo4d ls9IGHjiT3r147 daysxGpdFS Ib K6z twjlIuCo147 daysJJIRSyx147 days2qyArKqynMJf147 daysm11JRW146 daysQpv6U6MBE9gm TgDou AVa0Ej5 3daHUQ enc9 gTxbLE82 days
This list does not include portals where McJeycah was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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