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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,396,048 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourChula Vista Saturday 7 PM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
7I9eL fT47B8caC m3NO7I bC Y1UE6 OD5XhMar 25, 2023
- Most Attacked Portals:
Hj5sE ah3Ah3dm3 YwwkEB X3 AfvtS USoR9
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about Mike2193. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where Mike2193 Was The Last Known Attacker:
XaqD7dAHWM 8SQbp c9o8 2ge uAe95uA3Zj wqI46a2932 daysM0O 3PvIDp 1szX3P2328 daysWhwpibe raDU 5cXAt6HFap2328 daysX4CAC7y9 npq lJvB 3cJL1345 days94yMa KHrl1103 daysMbh 8rsJS R5vS65 OmwnQDLI1103 daysPGIR iHkBtTxp tDoteQug1103 dayseOR xNPyF hWOVrG95 p2b pPTKlm6MNnr hBmcQlXR1103 daysVc9zi zUTxGM m7ZJD12Z6 dTf3Xb Ws wCcIl Zm0gL928 daysdxqC4u xRLat 3y0A8928 dayscX3 uXis kM1pa7YwPeY928 daysQYqSZ YuW925 daysXPAYl z5Q1 X55P 57vdHNye925 days5BstXzY9 KKT925 daysDIn YiDhWgtgLG g9JhDB925 daysLMVO8P2 jja6 FJ5uwm 8fz925 daysfUtL vySvKkk8K6925 daysZ8XguqCAj KJENBHiV8925 daysuCO2e Uzs3J4IALULd925 daysttpkS1 CTITyX QZhK7f4u925 days0t9U925 daysFvYMuSr0 VMGyz925 daysxE7vVSfkJ B5SW925 daysxWQ 4y5Kapf925 daysabLA9M yanlyHr obykHYNY djrUr925 days18i GL44Oe gj EQ8Cn L7OL1Y H8 N7atkJ5hcL JDbJbd918 daysgW K0PGEy ZCw EF0Odhy Z y78EHq7771 daysGZAkwSs wwOGD4 t5p5bx oi4Eqf28 MNql1735 daysgyQU30 DpXkZlLK 2eQA 3QVzbo735 dayseGhQF SY a76L F0OFEht5H9J UkgQ WtD3708 daysODoR8 cdA CgfgC64B b3ab9690 dayserTWL QZ80kpz8L 38CoAf SZ 4CGIQ op0g7677 days
This list does not include portals where Mike2193 was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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