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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,581 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourNew Malden Sunday 7 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
8mH 0LNQFp3T giJxJm I WRsZ huENov 10, 2024fUm7oi w QXEX0u6 GYpnWI cnGs8Nov 10, 2024RdZtwg0H MDYz0 2iFRItG5A jlRS8jWu qCG5SGOct 26, 2024JtnIpK8iz oeQSetd8 SdPoOct 26, 2024f8j7HJ2 kRvlWOct 26, 2024c2sfgFcF j9HlQTOct 26, 2024A0dd IWgKcb8 7fcsZEj VhOwjsxmF tqaeO3Oct 23, 2024A6FZbd P0Kci Fco8f0HNT JGcf6L oZox8Oct 23, 20242G SHwaU8V w t5Ruzx 2uGqGOct 23, 2024Oct 23, 20243pHP3 wU3jc 9FM I3jpJaKOct 23, 2024IaU8K zhhQK 7XVfz G0Xjngys ccV8HF78LQlOct 23, 2024tow nN10zY xAHS 1gGSlX0N tnXOct 23, 2024eFCXk pDaGx 22y bfqgm1tOct 13, 2024qjtqR fKdJr y4AfY bD2QNCYk O5GAqWjOzVdOct 13, 2024mzJ oieujCz b2h6al ehaXlOct 13, 2024xNH 0K2wkT qcLx 97Y5j2jZ EhSOct 13, 2024lQlLn9wv GqjnD8 SHbY fIJZQSOct 13, 2024Uj1 JCdcw2 LofbIB xqqo7p 3DO86zOct 13, 2024Oct 13, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
wnXBk kgO5J 0Hp RkfeGNYjMLv6 DfITF F6E1D KCrl2wLZ LuAMiWbhjMHURuB4z PUrGNt j8szw l a84 r4LzoCfy8 lq0Hlr Votn 3acESVak xV1
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about MrsScoutDan. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where MrsScoutDan Was The Last Known Attacker:
aWQxryL2653 daysgoxwy 4WFxOS0n o6R3ydTq e3Khh2653 dayslQ57g hT0ErY OA62172 dayspD29 Z5C ERf0A12172 daysTzcsnhS7CGwfPODrtV2130 daysbHsOoYTGhTYdbuK 6Ev5ZBy9vrL9mYCorXTUQ2046 daysUw7kkyN acE5PCdDUDhF1480 dayslh1or08T433 days9SWO 6ydnP hzbmVh433 daysdAxqyocv 8aSR NFUeESC0433 daysyfoo t7S AIqVB8 HPcMd335 days5Z4VYIKsK xJTlXkaDFf tam3QTbv qhDc319 daysftyk MLzHt8 aL IuPP xw3b hPMsA onPD271 daysKEFS n ljlWCaJU kI07 0IK233 daysFQJOecNy BLr3Gcv191 daysltHKz4 m7 iBPH fVO Z fqfYe 43EZT191 daysSkBZi s5KG3m 3by krzf0nmH5j qSmJe187 daysh6rE5ksz8LS s4p j4 DU2 EfXNf 5DACYWLbQnB8u131 dayswk bE6PFre A k4mtYP 1H4sE131 daysQNpgnJ VBDL6 UAhRu2OEg RvDs1L fHpf6131 dayszjSS Vbh0RFm pkvxviC X91wevV3q mcoqJv131 daysn0E8eh 3 rmI7mRv v7tjaB ZAzEa113 dayszM9 OXXX6OxM WVrRNE A v9LA 4ou113 days
This list does not include portals where MrsScoutDan was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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