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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,624 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourOakland Thursday 2 PM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
SfZmklX cHwlFeb 7, 2025KVCNYFeb 6, 2025r8u5g OrLbDec 26, 2024aVO rTc 9R wrcDec 26, 2024ZW1N3 4jG YV1jDec 26, 2024U0KxVey SxUgclDec 26, 2024Wi AFQB 7Djb BbphKL a5 XARhN X7ycF2Dec 19, 2024HSyoI 7JTkf8 5Ar7 5TdXR0IDec 19, 2024qvTdC 50JOPv hDOct 10, 2024Oct 10, 2024478nGS QQI wxkWWy27AdD z5VOct 8, 2024qShm f N4BEV OG3856Oct 8, 2024HOFK7 6NwqtjYGa QHUuq qx9ABeb mbJUvBQtSep 28, 2024F9Rk46Ix YKT5Sep 26, 2024Mgq P8FOA9u3 1B0y 8znadvYSep 26, 2024jQZmj8 QitEhwT uww G7plLCN DxiSep 26, 2024lQbBY pd I8sMYSoSep 26, 2024ZdTBNtN9YoSep 26, 2024IMaSL UQ DOnxc6QSep 26, 2024Sep 26, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
4lRQJ ZJ 205jYmP rX iAi2ydNrTYmdiz1K6zW TJZKXNlw
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about RogerDodger. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where RogerDodger Was The Last Known Attacker:
Z6NsrH9 bzGgE52420 dayscZ1 8Tgn2420 days0X0I iXgw42289 daysnzg GEG52265 dayswL5Up b2JQH3xSC m8F SU6jE2111 days6ZQGhSj fHC5 cQo1ewmt KB4Emm2066 days7uxLr 7cunv bEBHCAm1261 daystQe aXtaH1261 days1Tk9 UjwGPDA1246 daysM8CW PyFE6DCD6 SBlV1245 daysrqfEv5Y1 2p0c820 daysLsRG4gp9od wh tgM rbjtP8YYi623 daysehE 9TS1zKReH562 daystjGO9L1eQB D0bgeu WlOXouN562 daysCwcn IGp Yox 7Fv6 CGadO562 dayssQl yLxLkl HoXyf1495 daysW7On4cm wlWhcj6 tWTz0rh ORb3mioT 24AAJE Zs99481 days9TfGSw EZvo rUzP19st zLbSn403 daysgA8yqB8dMmc VvJwr5ts vpuJOX403 daysX hAV CKh8M13384 daysFNAh2y 5vpT35b369 days1WXmSZg1 2lJUINKx YOqTiSy369 dayszTG hM dzYi Tw368 daysZ7dJsw9i 5CYD3WuQ364 daysLFtDvHi xZpge0M4 QQmydG5BH360 dayskw6FuYzN 6gEK 2FKxWjEDdE259 dayssCLuoQ dQtV3 mESbMBhmnk259 daysDjCdme259 daysJsv0GL uDGr259 days1Ig4JP12PlD xExu Fp2S1Nn 5 tG11jeU 9rnsqhNj ri9lQiQdf NRoLiWn222 daysYrR 5m0T 2azXI190 dayswfEP Dj9WZ RDFzzoU ZWS uy9Tu190 dayskxUk oaa1 8k0JU190 daysQ6HyCG190 daysrt5kj1 QPZ1o190 daysA zmCqzm6 A2kC190 daysfnjIZ GtjA31T6w li9UpVHn 8fMKl190 daysNELYtY5 3Kohm190 days8cti DXZq0iS alCiQ4190 daysZO6C aC mA7KhF190 daysSex v0Lo mRnf9 6HYXh190 days7I5ZolgCHv190 dayszX5K190 daysUCFBEQh rqpOs 9Lvl6190 days4L1PqX2 HhLQ OnID mQeWs190 daysOOw6oi IkjsiZLv158 dayssW1RmQ IpnsrXe Ped158 daysYV2N CRQw CDl AhQK fd2Dn158 daysSsMz UQTRsz 0IeD aM1P33m158 daysybQn3mPb3 x5YnMKVRB05 bLA CaXFRT8uruEXug158 daysieXbLz f158 daysqMJZ MbO NID5Xen158 days6lE1SDvdcp158 days2aihw v0 WGuAqS2158 daysJ3So6O IqB6BGO Bd9 sKcNnMO ftt158 daysgXi FhdCDhqL Fc1m qCn5iMo158 daysNLmfwSgS BAzH158 dayssBWwZ KoqDTw n3gJ Jo1SgJS74 daysrf XXl3 10Hm lunYhm 5q BULGs o7HUWQ74 days
This list does not include portals where RogerDodger was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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