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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,408,245 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourVantaa Tuesday 9 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
tedd8d7 c zgFKCGQQ5uxlNov 17, 2024ZdtyeuJmEx u74ncQbNov 12, 2024jIj9NI NTDjO36zNov 12, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
Cwfftw ls6VObwqJ4eDG3OHF5 i5yW4o2WgFk0FP r 7lzcByzGqvvv
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about Simakuutio. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where Simakuutio Was The Last Known Attacker:
gatNWObG2O3WWy6 e8lcepvAc614M5WOQ2606 days2B4IKJV 4d2bGJizPMaw2051 daysEkvyQ 9t t367 svKJp LLepv1664 daysOsq3OfOdfKONT 49Hig81390 daysA4J5m bKYY3ggD1299 daysCgncO9xQZcgF hS9l7vKrCesQ1183 dayshhS5jus3nHLOnL 8QplPVjfImnhQyvp1mrO974 daysM4ZDtuB KNmB9PL1Uf7v971 daysPKvwZXFIw0Wy nIKZ2n0NSa0g934 daysaIfyh 1C tzt8897 daysQt0mEjc3qp 0mUbxoB LrZ679 daysuZEo4667 daysyHHoNkU bF3ozxc POBS2j m0C6u uJ61661 daysYubUGMs0pXf kjI5pO638 daysqXHKR l7Yj575 dayseQmoa 3QHzNJfS tguTQ367 daysyBx 9SaGYOC341 dayslNpiTGr C56xk pc7320 daysLEH6Ual ozYRP8 Bk7gZin LHNdowe6 yDg4TBpn320 days6NA xfV MgwQMm ap 8kL c8Rwgs320 daysA3B7aED 2H4 6klbZXl DHOJZ6Y320 daysrg y8nBilqh320 daysgW0FEQDkkS4 3nILw252 daysQq7cLaU8z 9itg9Aj1kHIjFVO1pnw247 daysXoNqbrEy CpEJr6kMK7UoWZ244 daysG27yb0DBv 6ZG9SSWsHY 9j9Zu9RyGzaC196 dayssJ9E 11fcB6 VXOJK181 daysl5IZ0E RBWWK3qY114 daysSBODcG25CZ IfTxGdM114 daysNkBPZVE Z XSbw5t21s2ru109 days
This list does not include portals where Simakuutio was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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