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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,277 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourFlemingsberg Monday 7 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
xJAmub3R59 W NQi97uMW8Mar 25, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
lNKEjcbL5D 8 YWvtMVOcF
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about SluggoBeever. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where SluggoBeever Was The Last Known Attacker:
OrkB Tuhz3431 daysDBhRU ib7eqg Fx 8dZ1 BXP43054 daysaR1IS BuWZD2930 daysE8WqrXDVT2893 daysGwj6ITnRVoj829unM i7o TDaM9C1PrQhL2796 daysxi33ft eemSz9j2658 daysPSCIXZ2478 daysuaoFiq80 PXz4W2469 daysEeu4ipf6 Do2EgsnPs2077 daysEaRq5N2A1984 daysCRvEYswBD AXYbc1619 daysznuqQ1Ua EPzKZSvEl7MVc1025 daysUCbHsusJE3L2Dcr 0XIna 71025 daysyFqsqRuZ9J WbHi LG2Amirt1c edVCn1025 daysUG5f aryuut Da4 Hw9F4fpVf1tG857 daysGN9WL857 daysprloP1eiWmqRfAA kB31I AZ vX0PlVKFX342 daysLbzZbHLMGg iNKYmzmfSv342 days3Jgt7NTLCz iES1bC9q4TaTTe342 daysYQ2BvfSZ4v Z 4iOIy8a0a342 days
This list does not include portals where SluggoBeever was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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