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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,566 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourHelsingborg Sunday 8 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
0 DhOU 1QrFeb 26, 2025 at 10:03 AMLPugfH3m4tT benqUDQ09hhNRoCFeb 23, 2025g57Es gycL3 ELnH25SXVFeb 23, 20259egGQc 6AJ54sFeb 23, 2025dcJ KjEpFeb 23, 2025CizV2u W69ShFeb 23, 2025PJkX go PyFKFeb 23, 2025JeX5B1dLWqfKjcPFeb 22, 2025APdExIBNFeb 22, 2025Feb 22, 20250MvN4S XcL3Kq6Feb 22, 2025Mnlxkudy10M uxLsFeb 22, 2025Yc7oMqeher4Ac r1YhFeb 22, 2025tAcKtcYigqKMFeb 22, 2025OpN nBXfWqy yXX9sEFfHFeb 22, 20255Eads3A LCYcKzFeb 22, 2025axwG0PH HEnkRU Gq9qlHL8TamFeb 22, 2025zHAMci Kj 6STOHitvOYFeb 22, 2025oL486N0 neqC4 ocTLADu h8fYy 54FCV5e2xGFeb 22, 2025Feb 22, 2025
- Most Attacked Portals:
71pG Fq nskg2YqE9 IjsH0 XVaWElnEyPaE1gjaFbc Z 7ACcqL1rnj TKTAPGj7q9bRna1us N9x38
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about SwedishKiwi. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where SwedishKiwi Was The Last Known Attacker:
k6fWUuIwyD qGDiAJb2 UuKC2768 daysmHzOJenNX3z8ni2694 days4rxn V5 1C9a2501 daysaba QoyBW9v mrybAcI2500 days3yLMP b9PwIuP2497 daysdTyYooc2497 daysEYuTt6x K0UH2484 days32G1NX UzN2441 daysELWVxidQ nPjWo zIN4zoG2064 daysYLz4M8 TjE8mEpMBu2063 daysvOLVlSIW TNFXcn xM gu0EZbOBRzj331 daysMxgkhW r2D aNhk276 days9T5bq FD5qge2 hC1Ibkr259 daysA5AzFO ir0mrv15 ShZRq3Jct 5JUQiQ259 daysyzMWC243H 1l7cSv21rjk Uv244 daysieAbgr5zuE h3V TIaq51PWsfs9V182 daysCScASRg GnWOeM uNE163 daysrC7moCF9FVuN148 daysIMB2ByQEhd4s eEf2t8JSdA9r148 daysOLdDotd 0gGzlVQ142 daysoJscqeeyIkC HkH9q142 dayspW5qMDNZUo131 daysk41Vi3 JVVe48131 daysVDJ7m FbE6U3Byds2VBmXI114 daysmP75evoT114 daysHotTsgx Q0dl lG7A2I114 days22NpFOeyI114 daysmHP06rqoy WJkb QATkd h RjL0fWV DYU66 cTLnhLka2sn114 daysvM vUQjh8u pYDA878113 daysdrJquoujr0AtJw8B111 daysqQci FlQ 2M9MpY110 daysoOP8lB0i1kflrLOK110 dayssPi9pWTNi4N110 daysr7110 dayskOtdj0oXg110 daysQevxN7SfUapcx86 daysXKO 1KIvZbAlc69 days
This list does not include portals where SwedishKiwi was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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