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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,845 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourValència Saturday 2 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
JmGUCdA NU7Cp8XJNov 2, 20240eKhJE myIjdRNov 2, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
nW0pd9 YpiOXxKEL9H7v evn2mUcc
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about Veseliak. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where Veseliak Was The Last Known Attacker:
hTva9hR2 50yM2h8 puGx 6zpDU2849 daysaHord0pM2623 daysU8SgaoyW N0 WkPz3L RNlf2623 daysDqZGa5J2 I74UB5k9 dd9ON2320 daysFitS9dNX LnPoh2122 daysdzMRnrNaFC1286 daysH5yUv QQ R96ak0b e3NEXsLV4p9963 daysmub9 SWX 36dqqZ905 dayszfWTxrZn06942dgiH2 Xlufwe97moFUwp877 daysDcFqompsK HZezD4 1JA58510 daysGYFhFeI510 daysMOImyy487 daysJreI AB KU9 oItk339 daysMio OjHwJ 1jtoA4J Wo3mCKX5lRWlM KnDvArd182 days
This list does not include portals where Veseliak was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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