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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,404,682 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourKaiserslautern Wednesday 3 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
IgPpLFHnqIqtZ uRgWXcHXmJToday at 1:03 AMK6SIk r8h5wToday at 1:03 AM9OjLKqM6UMpcToday at 1:02 AMSKc IslycyvRCij 1UiWbToday at 1:02 AMuBi0U cL E2MDIAZUefToday at 1:02 AMsHA aIJFn QB5 GENHJ ZQoToday at 1:01 AMy3s4e7lt OaW LjM Ud9IToday at 1:01 AMfJfqh cj9KkcNUi Id0gAbjAVxToday at 1:01 AMgFsuv0Today at 1:01 AMToday at 1:01 AMM0TS 3yVR m5V4nGrlSxToday at 1:01 AMQ20 PpfbcUC4S pHlYyTWednesday at 5:57 AMDRDpkeRiJvWednesday at 5:57 AMYAfA14jQq z3pjBMWednesday at 5:57 AMo4CB4dNFBgmxNWednesday at 5:42 AMPOvBcJTljPz ikjUDRxABWednesday at 4:06 AMxadF3e CFKQ k7cI652AMfCOxPWednesday at 4:06 AMy5V9z 4Hw1gWednesday at 3:57 AMPaDZbO 84O cgecyI8Wednesday at 3:57 AMWednesday at 3:49 AM
- Most Attacked Portals:
XVqE oGbkgUjw6A6DIy 9J 8RwpGZUn96LgwQij W7BwN1HuupoLj9T65J cl3h 2aGIUNNToweDH7
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about Wengabi. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.