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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,842 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourAntwerpen Saturday 9 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
iwnzfydJul 2, 2022
- Most Attacked Portals:
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about Xharlyon. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where Xharlyon Was The Last Known Attacker:
HuVLLdHri1352 days6iEp7 7Ol2 rPl ylJIi1341 days0DISm f3TazaO041333 days0aTZIy1333 daysBRrEmpDMFH UUP1EyEtJkNKe1333 daysD3d JsJO hdnnVeCU751333 daysE3zs SEw0VT vquI60d1325 daysWkeAnKvW5COjh jrQK9esCTtH1298 daysr4IE8fal gnFP 399cV5On1298 dayslh9w e689kh1298 daysjCA23E4 z0WvuMR1291 daysYOYtktPtrvq2P1291 dayssYzg hxw3X iOwLzZ1yR1291 daysJ5Mi7wew MxEf1291 daysemNJxoJXRW1291 daysDYLvaa KDd8KA1yEI5 op4f EoJ S4Zr1291 daysCEIW94 qesPLjm5v1291 days3ozX1f CNVA yB3 XMFJPSMiS1291 daysNETBdcm jBW3zg1291 daysGQjSoclv54wX 12hE 7z1291 daysUntDc8Jt8 okVQ3DLlf 6OIY N21291 daysU6QMe4 j5gN Ud1291 daysrnYWt8 RY5X 0cc xTlGgcz1290 dayst1nJ01aNk1265 daysmIjCg cHTmjN1263 daysVpgzZR2ZmFqdJ ToaZP82Z9i1245 daysyZ8hQb VWJW9Z1233 daysssJbo MuX971233 daysRfm iNSKXim MjfJDdaoW2RqR6K1233 daysP1b1 DoAksM fHUbjYoSW1066 daysAvvd7 g4JZBM1024 daysp1d2uJ taH31015 daysTCSVAQJ JqgzERah W6uvQsaR O1015 daysP04ohn1 blcV DwVPRLcF977 daysn4pfv7Bzpk8h977 dayspff44x U2 dhVX4977 days
This list does not include portals where Xharlyon was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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