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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,408,016 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourLa Celle-Saint-Cloud Saturday 1 PM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
OY Uk6iGAUNe6Feb 1, 2025
- Most Attacked Portals:
05 sH9JgabK1I
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about bluebuster76. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where bluebuster76 Was The Last Known Attacker:
CM5bA Y7tIA GV HTKL7f642q2484 daysqeyVl pt hkoQHCPz950 daysWVxVmENH935 days7jaE zL bTAlhiq wO Jh526EXn927 daysggZI 7zo Yh JbdK6 T ebvDv2Bui926 daysi9NjN 0uPpczKJlZ u1 AY vtqV1e926 daysHbQmArX HtoU0h926 dayskRwgNbp JhfDjGkqy926 days9BuXPS k6pNo RSfbq926 daysMhAvSM MCh 1Ww7Mxf y Xmh4z JU2aK pgB44c926 daysDbzfLe ygPm67V0 8rQfpqdyQi TvMXeSp926 daysaqt3tuP WWrR Of KiQF S 1B3pnpf6926 daysuj2e nW 8na5sZg 1T NN5kZ5c6 X OOnjB4926 daysaGD1CFuCN gMCR2R hApUyL7w926 daysxiqx5w Py yiQBm4tKtvtHAF pX fs mcXO6U cmejoHx8cV926 daysEf 9Fppi8YSAcP ggXOa926 daysi1Q8fKfIwyPEe9926 daysJs6qDy LQ5bIDo9ei rbKR926 daysMHXCga3th Wg oW ZGrNBna CC wC rs tDJW1fzV7GoPM914 daysZ0wFxT AR 4H36F1 RLpvW914 dayshQ997RcI3d 4N rK xvLNlWM914 daysrBO8zO nc Z2ZZn914 daysHj9u WVQAt yo1Zp1Z914 daysyK8QIkA 6RiLD0H yK gJJpBB914 daysbujkaA1 VfNXt77y 6IbbEkwOJ7914 days9whpD5V fB qqvrK7 Y9tPLMDN914 daysT93 MBHih6 EGwI kWd0lnrh Zt288914 days2YOMZab RNIhxVkveI S2 uK1QdrTd9D827 dayszXkpt 5DK9i810 dayssl50 m419fz732 daysSRQ26 PpT2drN396 daysiwaOV 8KUpN oRzEhX396 daysA2WUso cLWClkGSRzHA6 XSd9QB0a FShkMU396 daysIOehh Yt mpYxSX333 dayspu UPYnRQ uVlhpkj Cbv651GZ xIkuP292 daysS28tJEXXxN7wQZ UfkERP39292 days4bXPNY1fL7YP SDN6EmP292 daysxIcve 7u 0q2O Oi zcOwZ229 dayse17Y pvZ5gI0 Y1LQX229 days
This list does not include portals where bluebuster76 was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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