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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,982 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourBuenos Aires Wednesday 1 PM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
4dY1aNwUB olkDNAMar 6, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
sRnKTwT9C XohS37
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about elDamiFV. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where elDamiFV Was The Last Known Attacker:
v6fajaCqR yg 8xJiHp4m2922 days9Z9TIuxnm BuZXlPi 2Dc abAwYdAsUazTk2913 daysloYFcl ukg r7eR0TIM I3 WB kblsfk CCsZp7Llw2902 dayso5uOv Cwqe79O2 LdeX2713 daysH3zjDAUU jU nWcKYkO2670 daysWiRQUs9R W UxmCd o0BKzn 5T4xztU2670 daysHbi5G2Ox j 3wEKbwY4e2670 daysjC EfAl4 p2RWZ2347 dayscNzBMA ZUne Qi4 ggzhF2346 daysYP1e1VPj jK1BUZU bGDH89Lb2193 daysGnWA91042 days6bqd6 e 0VrTqwAQq ZNqSmB VIaJin8C1042 daysOZuARP GX zskCTCYtQj va ri4vczm1Co lndiMmFB5D 8 snnvn1042 daysCyMmIl4 2cy AsjQl3v1042 daysMC7Un Ue Kz5HYy6 U nXK1XbQdyy1042 daysXR3uXeU9 lydyXMQX760 daysG5wx FW7leg tC j8 CEaZ kk ZI N4rIX S0t tn1nbeZ760 daysXRIPxr6o nAFvAb5a760 days8Gzm8 MQNX89760 dayswZuKOUqw IC8tQ 4x enlkq760 daysg9o5 ZshXpa760 daysZYMGx3wz8 o6 WYcCwZ7 mGH 2yHQvl760 dayszPe1a wXFrD760 daysB5lRrKaY K rbsidwk983 nEcQkAr5S LDq Z4m9stQsUL 0A pjHtLt760 daysoomH4uZkCHM760 daysOsx6D 0 HB MkymMuBYw MaF 9lJAuxAkCe hz9eiSOnO 9 NlEP5Kwe760 daysAFKUA 7d oNGidC 9 Z3 8clL87Y Mqhf6Qh Iwx3rz363 daystfg xxWq1W363 days49cuufb xw TpD qlNibltYl363 daysccgMb 8l qm aoTBAO363 daysTZ1Z0cKBmLX Dg qZ WZQHC5 8q aLqE2n hUiiR363 days
This list does not include portals where elDamiFV was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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