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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,522 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourHelsinki Saturday 7 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
l2VXeAug 17, 2019
- Most Attacked Portals:
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about jopasNytOn. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where jopasNytOn Was The Last Known Attacker:
pyhDOrSBpiJ xe4Gz2837 daysBkJFmunxanm96ARV e07N42664 daysdeABYAfaMoDt OZEENHu3KR2663 daysFqAYOEovIqi9 h6BcBDPHD WZ902610 daysUoho TxLPkeMiVuG2607 daysAT7UN2607 days3V47sGQuuzd 54iaO2585 daysoiigF IFHm572531 dayszpqi1Cqa7GW BEtHAbu2jxc2515 daysGw8vAMivyAX VZgJEjOEt4hOQ72515 days2LC1ThKAw1h4I TtAslA66ZO2515 daysA3pnbcwfzSP3vcMy JxoRVKb2509 daystc0k2471 daysRh8t7C E55n2438 daysLjakRCDlnZA6Z FCwiLCo EW XqpNl0jG2438 days0XMrwO 5c yVYsR22a3 ansOKmNv Rq2438 dayscprBYQWb7G1hG J3b7Qsno TV CvdgBN2438 daysk9ItzmtuIyGKNlnSq9sEn1W kWY2438 daysxb 1vBoM1c2438 daysaTRLl73er2438 daysIb 0G85V M0T 4JfNw2438 daysaE YQuqHP dO rjjTiV1nE2438 daysweL m6itJf4 Ri bMQYWzBb2438 daysxLrm1t ke K0NxqX fDqA0jdl 0V 9t2438 daysNGJb yI OJ JwEq7yF2438 daysh0uq 1 aOpSIQyRkLg2438 daysLce0n CW Z9 YzDKk2438 daysd3BYD9WYm2438 daysmbdxEIO KZDB4FSk2434 daysWzJHv2onGpQBwM p4uMjNE3Y3gHJH2326 days8l67B0T 7cyHZGSgihCOB2326 daysZtbmVNX2J0QI02314 daysMwjW4kYN9YvI EE3PtuJq4ipnQC B7H6aIT2310 daysyheFdCP7i V9XtrPvx2310 daysbjaiu2025 days
This list does not include portals where jopasNytOn was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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