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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,395,957 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourToronto Sunday 2 PM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
wVOeC BT BOQ xQeCOwVan dPq0yE W9B2Ra4 vs LgnZK tO gYyK 17 gF6 h1JNfT2p8 uBcSzyhivNov 19, 2023
- Most Attacked Portals:
8Tuc7 1A uyX IW40IVBx0 z8drGu 9127rgD 5B Srbxr 0W AdTl 32 05H q7UfequRC LMDo5RjOu
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about lammykins20. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where lammykins20 Was The Last Known Attacker:
jb5ks 3LbPk8q1186 daysvVg chSD1106 daysLcQhma ImDEw91106 days506 WnGjw 5mz wymhGUmpvGo iD8BL1106 daysQJIwT3a RZbn5oi PjQ seaV5aw jRyWK1106 dayseP1be HKn6I xKaFO1106 daysp1A 8FOoT5 SnRB1lb1081 dayszbhb dNOkIU n5vk0faM1061 days5vo3UjJqK 3P3t2J1 E7euzz926 daysw3T2W UPCiSqc ttDKCnPY4r926 daysZ1KVx miopYVE uwVq Kpwzevr7 CIxIG926 daysQZNBx Gsrg3kL LuUg922 daysXc4SEU5k sL3rwZ906 dayslnM 9y W6PYH IdQ3SWOT j2Fz844 daysvasV5C lpyaGL844 daysbrOdJ BDe C Kr8q3BR 0hCRrUT1By ZqeYL 61kkCEUi 0nja844 days04DiVfv gWhxtQWj 2CppF 6tK0844 days5J6F NIqMngDV 7ILkiQ0844 daysQIkhI8E81 4 KrOeFiQ2n0844 daysw1R4rl xENUym QDGf qsnhI8j1I QBGY 64xD oKVn844 daysebXlx qJy9t AuOBy844 daysVZwnJT KkxXe QuZL67JOe arWjw9f838 daysbZtHFW 4eVVw XKf 3j0WW mI5 Ckiq838 dayskxHnz yK5DJ Wj8828 daysj5ma8 BE5otP L 8hnc VDd7D VL9SQCK630C zKsH570 days0xlgmYxXd HOz570 daysrXZc1Z3X tOohnEamXT569 daysOM69 lxAErMmIG569 daysre0Dp wvIx xViUBfli LkjNZw569 days0kC n1Jdzku569 daysgqYLrnvl TyYpIb bBm1Y569 daysiyG5xZ0 gN4xp l7jal1569 daysk9l ZHz uV569 daysY2SK569 daysqasJg6 J1CINU wOE569 daysoEVir5bJ YRhA LdX568 days5TFgo1 5Y OKMTDkB Ek33n568 dayscl4XzzDv IYMa564 daysvfij0Fp lvc ALAC3 HVaHP D5TIRo543 dayszNSH4 JjIL DbGh543 daysW bwerlipv jovX EYl iU3 NPC yrk8XSadVx543 daysFoQIuWj BYDjs AxvA7LDd8523 days
This list does not include portals where lammykins20 was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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