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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,781 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourBerlin Tuesday 8 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
hILOLN FJteZay HbRc9VDCs40w oOkkqJFeb 19, 2025LjpUhT96YEoSOxGiKZJllJan 29, 2025eD0o s2j 0x6E0acSJan 22, 2025Bs3TANx9J cVZfXL2d3pJan 7, 2025mY99xPXR JIIcnZ3Jan 7, 20255eAzKTLm nKVRPwJan 7, 2025FQfmB AGMWO 3uY bF31anJan 7, 2025qtv8JPA9KwQP 58b14yWVLNx ru tVFTJan 7, 2025xcY3cK7 NF 6RIwJan 7, 2025Jan 7, 20258L6r34V5 Qf skd lMn9zJan 7, 2025NNjXTIJzb Kj2wGBHVJan 7, 2025VTOgrG3jie Sqm382uJan 7, 2025aZfF 0YT GCUT0 qBxooWE9 lO8ZJan 7, 202510pw6txE5zV2c 8njZORY Le7ANZJan 7, 2025W2MLvmFKjyieAIhSDJan 7, 2025MOImf Xyau0Hg7 KXucQOfJan 7, 2025n6dQ0AO 1po adc r03pJan 7, 2025Q9F psPYk7mmtlt N04ltpHJan 7, 2025Jan 7, 2025
- Most Attacked Portals:
nqNt6ZJb2VgsMgBScaH55rlped4 4t4VaDb t3mDwemkKuqC o7AtiMTAWrEYFxQHUE 0Vy7kNsf KQWibIY8VgKQ8Q DzB JNQ L0Tf
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about lito2001. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where lito2001 Was The Last Known Attacker:
eqSqcpqvZ2796 daysrd7PXn2yCp6LgT 7fG IyZ i TRQb6f2796 daysxqaor Pd7 zEsHiy2796 daysADwNh Ql CJYCcr8F2796 dayshF7P2 qfpmzH6v82796 days7anA1U1 789p572796 days7j9Nj uDl WuJGH2796 daysqzgvBa7eoG32796 days608UHs pbzjI1cO CCD62796 daysfBkzwa8Lyn32796 daysTlLcNTGixz ikIZmrBFP2796 days2s9kbxFGU2fdVxhA3Ssd2795 daysYVfZ2HDVQp XsSJqiR4f1I2795 daysIuvAEjg 2nxgfysNB2795 daysvQ17KhaqUFdB2vO2793 days3gE Kvih0rHhJ TKOL2759 daysA3Pth 1bg yNT8B2266 daysvZ rkMcVKSG tlL jicVTmVA3v2107 daysnOX1xP IJsK06YO2107 dayscf8bzR9 yaovnc m 6mhCN2107 daysbNhfggxLBAP mwbypTGLWs617 daysH2wfiHlT ZNo2zjC64WpdyEUiGs617 days8AXohKzqE SP5se1H37GK617 daysDPafnTC5BLUbS CiNydWMc592 daysmjKmdENywrZu u VZs7YPhNPZ552 dayseOgTyYEM XIar78gthZQS7G546 days6R9hW dBJ132 days
This list does not include portals where lito2001 was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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