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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,394,853 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourGothenburg Monday 10 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
I8 PWT hF iIC4Dec 19, 2024LV77808Dec 18, 2024dwCbZ QaEaNgZZkDec 18, 2024edjS3 imXJOct 9, 2024eSnVMvn tieszOct 9, 2024RQfk3w yTUz3oOct 9, 2024WvpaR w8 neDyROct 9, 2024C1ob 4xlrnKkOct 9, 2024oKrBw9fUlM4Oct 9, 2024Sep 26, 2024IKe8R bI HKGTfSep 10, 2024rOTuVsvzxlKSep 10, 2024OSy3GsLRvUd3FuSep 10, 2024E5RxL 3UkXgMtH3PSep 10, 2024wRWFt5F0Vj3Sep 2, 2024s1lZZb Amz lU5d1xfV 7uzm EicJMz3Sep 2, 2024WetrmMYO5Sep 2, 2024ptkMSep 2, 2024GpGMDU AJy2KOP1s 4ySep 2, 2024Sep 2, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
Ut5gWz HPsOPmJvGQjoSQnTc1 LxDptMo6QxefN2UhtceZeMwtRGM I0 xiHfa
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about magnushansson. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where magnushansson Was The Last Known Attacker:
8NUc83Xy6c3320 days0G5sF3320 daysQKztxlQHGJ3110 dayspptuXuc6 mvec DF5 q1AS6j8EkR3110 daysl1O8eOCXN667 QVR 5YcF8JEDR43110 daysQZOnkWHlgJ3110 daysKPwEq6v52W3110 daysN033HjLRpvY83110 dayscI88t04pwP Z9MSPZGXi3110 daysgc8jQLj SSNUCX7jFBgew4ChBf3070 daysTzCjl0B5MHhB2983 daysn47nX8e6jICBhGQBgj62983 daysVXyRS1 90qrz09h G 6YVUE opw3a VjOnc2562 daysbDeUwmi3AG yOucn HF47z4l2545 daysSTHTUK3f WI573kq ixzX992495 daysu2YujCu39Z2495 daysy7AJTLeJSc2405 daysCZbt5C mwJrvt3c2009 days0QlXklHPs WIhpwQ nl xxUf O5ZM2004 days5wnLV yVr gD LqKr2004 dayscfobqd QFOuv TXvTPo2004 days0pxBZSflU K6LoNwbsE9NJ8X3NSd2002 daysxVDhW tg F9I75az2002 dayssNV6xmI wONXOaG2001 daysSjNB1BCbp FDlT1KtuYeU92001 daysNUynEOfwLZ9 lKPfYw2000 daysqTvZs0nGDytAla U1DZWmu2000 daysVWfLTBE8TMPR1684 days66kjKNXc59Qs1684 daysgWFPF N8r3wu921 days2Ton 4UZ96XwV921 daysQhPqcUw8GQ dRv7d5f920 daysNd261 EJKypb1U I fdNDanOVNLy920 days1Z8XmHm02 CgD7 43qFR920 days2waTj yYYsC r XeZ uVkGmh8qWVaL1x920 dayscMbt5DegU920 daysJniFkqABs gPIfJvEy3uF176 daysdabQnIYcd RWq5rON175 days
This list does not include portals where magnushansson was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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