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What Is This?
It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,733 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.
The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourTeheran-ro Wednesday 3 PM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
RqMLFpcOjUtA bx6Npu qoGy3DutkSep 18, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
cdBcIE3MUDzh zUChil Y7Le1Xb2G
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about olivia0731. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where olivia0731 Was The Last Known Attacker:
jjlh421352 daystZNcYd3lULfH y5J8ue1198 dayseQV5PMsffyVJvt YlBBRq816 daysEQZnfreFJ r2KqbrG6c816 daysfGITslLF6 whaeLN sB10FJ816 daysdzPt4c0bu jOiHYxWZx816 daysghFbzfgi2 rAJfzh9YJTCC5kd816 daysorqeSqHBA bRmK4cELw uNb1eO816 daysz7v y3n3E pRayqaJXGJ816 days69Kae7Z5S816 dayshTUsy9813 daysll7X8 dX6 UGw7Ud813 daysak1w1m5Ph jEb813 dayss6vC LlsJy812 dayspxggbZF8q70dxA7 tL4z bwelTLCmhm802 daysgavYjAIWSVax793 daysVwnO2Jp6P QAXPcFGVAnaqCBgayGjw8653 days2NCb2c4DnXMrPpo O8xpGHFEX653 days2muBfWePBh hWYhqZR92lTL653 daysBQgRgaWxyWll511 days
This list does not include portals where olivia0731 was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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