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It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,342,628 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.

The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).

Declined Cooperate with Lampje

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by AlfonsoML, May 23, 2016.

  1. In order to provide better data, it would be nice to cooperate with the Lampje developers to at least share the reports so people don't have to register on both sites as many agents won't be aware of the existence of the other project.
  2. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    I'm not sure what Lampje is, but not really sure that sharing email damage reports with something else would be possible for user privacy reasons. If someone isn't forwarding emails on their own, users aren't going to like us sharing their emails with a 3rd party.
  3. Lampje is another system that collects damage report emails https://www.reddit.com/r/Ingress/comments/352hpe/what_is_lampje/
    Obviously any integration can't be automatic because as you correctly state, people would be very upset if it's done that way, but having an opt-in to share the data between the two systems could be good
  4. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    Is there something specific that Lampje does with the data that you are looking for? Probably would just be easier to add whatever feature you want to Outgress vs. tracking down the developers of Lampje and setting up some sort of cross-application integration...
  5. I'm not really looking for anything because I use this info lightly. My suggestion was more aimed at getting more data in an easier way, because after all the quality of the reports is based on the amount of processed data.
    As far as I know, lampje sends a mail with a monthly report to each player with a map of their playing zones and the top attackers on each city, and there's also a telegram bot (you know USA = slack, Europe = telegram) that can be used to query info about the players.
    If I'm not wrong, it's missing a web UI.

    Outgress seems to have just so many features that I still have to play with it to learn all the things that it can do and what it can't do.
  6. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    On a side note, Telegram integration (similar to the Slack integration with querying portals, agents and alert destinations) is being worked on for Outgress. So should be available soon.
    Ersatz Me likes this.
  7. @digitalpoint I have used Lampje for about 4 months now. @AlfonsoML is correct, it is missing a web UI. I have tried to use the TG bot to query information, but it difficult to remember all the commands, and what does what. Your web UI is amazing. If you want me to forward one of the monthly reports I get from Lampje, I can. Just let me know.
  8. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    Is there anything in there feature-wise that someone would want in Outgress?

    There's a lot of stuff still coming for Outgress, so if it's something on this list, don't need to request it. :)
    Generally I don't like to look at other stuff when building features for stuff because sometimes you get stuck in their way of doing whatever it is vs. coming up with a better way to do it. :)
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2016
    batteryAClD likes this.
  9. @digitalpoint I don't think there is. Everything is looking great. Very excited for the new features, and if you need test subject, let me know.
  10. I am the author of a site that does similar things to outgress called pr0j3c7. mine is no where as pretty , has only 32 (local) Enlightened members and is invitation only.
    I have spoken to the author of lampje and came to the same conclusion regarding privacy. While we could exchange data it would need to be suitably annonymised and that makes the data all but useless.
    I also know personally the creator of IGA which like the aforementioned and outgress uses attack reports to facilitate stats and also get alerts out to a number of platforms as quickly as possible.
    By far the most developed is outgress but in discussion with my members they seem reluctant to put their data anywhere that It can be used to the possible benefit of Resistance and yeah, I have explained it all to them but there you go.
    I don't intend wrapping up my little project because there are local things on there that we do as sub games and challenges and having invested many hours in making it as ugly as possible I don't want to throw that away just yet. :D

    @digitalpoint : your coming feature - Show recently active users on the intel map and where they were last seen
    was the first thing I coded on mine, everything else came after, but then when I am only dealing with a typical area of 150 sq miles it isn't hard to fit things in ;)
  11. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    It's funny how many times I've had that exact same conversation with players on both factions. And you'd be amazed at how many times the conversation goes like this:

    Them: I'm not going to feed my data into a system that will help the opposing faction.

    Me: Okay, then don't use it.

    Them: But I need to use it because it's good. I just don't want the opposing faction to see my data.

    Me: So you think the opposing faction cares about who on their team is attacking your portals?

    Them: Yes.

    Me: Do you care about who on your team is attacking their portals?

    Them: No.

    Me: Why would they care then?

    Them: I don't know. I mean *I* don't care about something dumb that, but I know for certain they would definitely care.

    Rinse and repeat... both factions think the same thing. They think their data is super valuable for the opposing faction, but no one cares themselves about the data *from* the opposing faction. :)

    I know, I know... it's coming. :)
  12. It would be nice to see a merge in these systems. Lampje (named after a comic book character of an robot with a lightbulb as a head, the Little Helper of inventor Gyro Gearloose). Is having problems lately, but if Outgress is X-faction, i don't think members will move over their data. The features i really like about lampje are the monthly reports (but they could be better) and the multiple chatbots.
    i Guess you can find some stuff on github on lampje, and if you open your code, people can benefit from both.
    So maybe if you can ask for his code, and you can share yours, you can learn from each other.
    By the way, the damagereports tend NOT to show much information about me but more about the enemies that atack my portals.
  13. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    Probably easier just to put in a feature request for things you'd like to see in Outgress that it doesn't already do.
    PBSingress likes this.
  14. SRS

    SRS New Member Resistance L16

    Outgress should NOT integrate with any application that provides or allows the uploading and sharing of personal information about players.

    Including applications that provide or enable users to share the following:
    • Photographs of players
    • Photographs of player vehicles
    • License plate numbers of vehicles driven by players
    • Any other personally revealing data of individual players
    PS. I know I'm a little late to the party on this one, but I found the conversation very interesting.
    If someone wants to go through the trouble of putting that information together themselves; they can handle the fallout. The privacy issues of systems like that integrating are a freaking disaster waiting to happen.
  15. hahahaha, SRS apparently knows nothing about lampje. Even that reddit link posted above clears that misnomer up handily.

    Not much is beneficial to the other team from my attack data, imo. If they can see my reports however, they can see where I've been. If I make a trip to farm keys and the portal gets hit, everyone on outgress can see I was at that portal, which I'm not big on, but meh.

    Pretty sure neither side doing large ops will trust their data to a third party, not knowing your whole security setup, knowing if you personally are trustworthy with their op plan, if the site backend is robust enough to handle traffic surges or breach attempts.

    The only issue I see with asking for features within other tools to be added to outgress is that outgress is asking for money to access these features and the other tools are made by the community (faction dependent of course) with the goal of freely providing the community with good tools to be effective. I have a couple ideas for a revenue model that makes more sense to me if you'd like to talk more offline.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2016
  16. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    Well a few things...

    No one can tell where you have been based on your incoming data. The only player that can see where you have been based on data you sent is you (there is a mode on the map that shows places you've sent data from). You can't view that map for any other player. I can't see where you sent data from and you can't see where I've sent data from for example. The attack details don't show who sent that data (and in some cases it could be multiple agents anyway). So just to be clear the only place you will show up for other users is places you have attacked and those attacks were forwarded by an Outgress user.

    As far as security, scalability and all that... op plans aren't part of Outgress, so no one needs to trust their "op plans" to Outgress. Servers are very beefy (they can process around 10M incoming emails per second), the bottleneck on the servers is the 54Gbit Infiniband network connections. Servers are housed in an ultra secure data center here: https://www.scalematrix.com/

    We own all hardware down to routers and Infiniband switches (no idiot sys admin at the data center can access our stuff). The servers are part of a large cluster used to drive much larger websites (for example digitalpoint.com). Security and scalability is a huge part of my real job. :)
  17. I think I misspoke about how people can see your activity. You had said that the information we are giving when forwarding our alerts to outgress is that opposition agents can see who on their team attacked us, which is not valuable data, per your reenactment of the typical conversation above. I assumed with the information is included where they attacked you. Where they attacked you indicates also where you have been. Granted, there is not a timestamp that says when you were there, but the data point is there nonetheless. If my reso was attacked at a remote portal that looks like a good anchor candidate, then alerts could be raised, putting an op at risk. This is a small risk with a lot of ifs, but when you have 50 agents ready to make an op happen, you don't want any information like that out there.

    Also, when you say the attack details don't say who sent in the data, that's only partially correct. I have looked up myself and I can tell exactly which opposition agent is using outgress based on the habits it says I have. I know exactly which agent's data will result in showing the portal I attack most and what's my last seen portal as it has.

    I did not mean to question your server's abilities to handle attacks and traffic. I only meant to point out that the larger ops are not likely to use 3rd party tools. I don't know what information would be entered into your servers, I only had the minimal information off of your to-do list above based off the line item "Large op management stuff". I assumed to do any large op management, you would have to enter in sensitive information. Having been involved in large ops, I know that known secure tools already exist.

    I do appreciate the work you're doing though, keep it up :)
  18. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    Ya I'm not saying one couldn't figure out who uses Outgress, I just mean that you (as an Outgress user) does not disclose your whereabouts from your forwarded emails. The email you forward never discloses who forewarded it. So if someone attacks your portal someone can see who attacked it, but they can't see who it was that sent the damage report. Would be a little silly to have a system that more or less "outs" yourself about your whereabouts. Now if you attack a portal on your op and an Outgress user reports that attack, of course it would be seen (but that has nothing to do with you forwarding emails about people attacking your portas).

    As far as the op tools on the "to do list", who knows when/if that will happen. As you said, there are already tools out there, so not going to spend the time building unless there was an actual need or ability to make something better.
  19. I'm quite impressed as a new Outgress user. I wish I'd been forwarding messages for the past couple of years (I know about historical email import, but I turned emails off day 3 of playing)... You are right, @digitalpoint, about the hesitation to use it by resistance agents. I had someone tell me they were not going to use it because the administrator is ENL. I guess they are afraid that you will build some "mega-backend" only for ENL agents or something. Anyway, great job on the system. As a search engineer myself, I'd like to hear more about your indexing engine. 10M email/second is impressive parsing, especially stuffing it into a near-realtime search index. Solr or Elasticsearch (or something else) on the backend? I'm just curious.
  20. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    To me Ingress is a fun game. It's not my life and I think the paranoid people (on both sides) really are taking a video game too seriously. Lol

    In my area, I think I probably have more RES friends who come to my house to drink beer simply because there are more RES players around here.

    You do end up with some paranoid players on both sides. The paranoid RES think I can somehow use info about ENL agents attacking them for something I care about (still haven't thought of a valid use case there.. hah). And paranoid ENL think I'm a secret double agent because I let RES use Outgress.

    The reality is I'm not a slave coder for the "glory of the Enlightened" (hah), and just decided to build something cool that solves problems I have as a player. I wanted better alerts, I wanted to be able to visualize broken links to see if lanes were being cleared. I wanted to know what portals I've owned before already, etc... it's an Ingress tool (like IITC), not a faction tool. Like most people, I'm the faction I am because the person that told me about it said, "pick green", not because of some underlying ideology or crazy loyalty. Lol. It's a game. :)

    To whoever thinks there is some special mega backend for select users, I'm curious what they think it could do extra? Because if there is something they can think of, I'd love to *actually* add it to Outgress. Lol

    As far as the more interesting technical stuff goes, it's a custom parsing engine that can have raw emails passed to it in various ways (SMTP, Gmail API for history, shell, as well as parsing a full mbox history file for those that have it). A central parsing engine means parsing changes are applied to all input types inherently. The bulk of emails come in via SMTP which uses a custom mail server daemon. Instead of delivering email to a mailbox, incoming emails are delivered to the application (which makes the data realtime... no polling email accounts for new emails).

    The underlying engine for "normal" search is indeed ElasticSearch (a cluster of 8 nodes/physical servers). Geometery searching (like when it's figuring out distances or if an incoming attack is inside a geographic circle [perimeter alerts] or the heat Maps on Intel), is done via a custom geospatial engine I wrote. Nothing out there that could find was good enough so I ended up building my own.