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What Is This?

It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,407,510 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.

The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).

Is this site still active?

Discussion in 'Support' started by NorfolkDave, Oct 23, 2024.

  1. Put in a username of someone who is active in my area and last seen 2017 according to the site. I have now set up forwarding but wondering if the site is even active anymore?
  2. upload_2024-10-23_21-6-4.png
    just saw that and the price of premium o_O I can see why not many are using it. Going to see what its like when i get a few alerts but my budget is not going to stretch to premium anytime soon
  3. Looking at the data in the two weeks trial. This looks like a good tool if people were using it... As it stands with just me sharing data in my area it looks like I am just helping the enemy. Shame as could be a very useful tool. Why isn't this using the ingress API? And set to a realist annual fee? Something like $10 a year sure... A month... No, that's more than core. $50 a year is your argument I am sure but that's way more than most are willing to pay.... Which negatively effects your data supply.
  4. Zerflin

    Zerflin New Member Explorer Resistance L15

    Is it working for you? I couldn’t get it to pull my alerts.
  5. Nothing's working for me. Not sure if I have to wait for an alert to process before it recognizes me.