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It's a constantly growing, global map of 3,342,505 PokéStops and Gyms for Pokémon GO.

The data is from Outgress (an Ingress analytics system).

Historical Damage Reports

Discussion in 'Support' started by think, May 7, 2016.

  1. think

    think New Member Enlightened L7

    I've tried several times to submit my historical damage...how do I tell if it worked? The stats on the right don't seem to reflect it.
  2. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    While the import process is running, you should get a floating window in the bottom right of every page that shows how many it's done so far.

    As far as the stats block, the stats are cached (I believe for an hour, but I'd have to double check that), so they aren't going to update instantly (could take up to an hour). Any chance you could post a screenshot of the stats you see?
  3. think

    think New Member Enlightened L7

    I don't have the floating window you speak of. here is a screenshot of stats. I tried this in IE, Chrome and FF.

    Attached Files:

  4. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    Let it run for a bit... like I said, the stats only update every hour. I checked the system and it shows it has 5,797 damage reports from you so far.

    It looks like the only issue is why the counter isn't showing for you. I'm headed out the door right now, but I'll check that when I get back later.
  5. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

  6. Can you give me a direct link for the import tool?
  7. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    The import tool only works once it's received at least 1 forwarded email. It's on the same page as the forwarding instructions, but only shows up once you have successfully forwarded an email:


    You also get an email the first forwarded email that comes in giving you a link to it.
    Richard Quadling likes this.
  8. I have only around 200 something attack reports in my gmail account, why does it say it will import over 500 mails from my gmail?
    Is it retrieving everything in my mail account? Or is it also finding other emails from nia support (portal edits, submissions, etc)?
    If it is retrieving everything, i'd be a bit worried... how can we make it only retrieve attack reports?
  9. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    It only retrieves damage reports. Are you certain you only have 200? Are you sure you don't have more archived under a different label or something? Try this search in your gmail to see what it's finding:

    subject:damage report
  10. that search gets me 171 results. if i search with "from:[email protected]" it returns 229 results
  11. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    Do you have any damage reports in your Trash folder possibly?
  12. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    Also, are you sure you aren't counting threads vs messages? Gmail will group multiple damage reports (up to 50) into a single thread and that thread of 50 will only show as 1 in the search result count.
  13. yes i was counting threads, my mistake. just turned "Conversation view" off, so accurate count is 572 attack reports. Tried to import, now i get 4.088 threads...

    Attached Files:

  14. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    Ultimately the import process will get them all with or without conversation view enabled/disabled. All it really affects is the search count (which on the confirmation screen is an estimate at best... The Gmail API just makes a guess when the number of emails is more than 500).

    But to answer your original question, no the process does not get any non-Ingress email... The import process uses a search query to only get damage reports.

    If for some crazy reason you had a non-Ingress email that matched the query (it was from someone with an email that contains "ingress-support" and contained the string "damage report" in the subject), but it was wasn't an Ingress related email, it woul download that email thinking it was a damage report, but once it saw the body of the email and couldn't parse it properly, it would be ignored.
  15. Great, thanks for your help!
  16. It would be useful to update the popup window when the import is complete as my never seems to match the actual number I've got. Only just turned on email notifications. I've got 39 emails. But I see the popup saying 7 or 9 each time I run the import.
  17. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    The Gmail API gives number of threads not individual emails. Gmail consolidates multiple emails into single threads. The import gets all the emails, and I believe the estimate says that (estimated threads not emails).
  18. Then I'm confused. I've got an a damage report for a link being taken out by @baffinch, but he is not one of the agents in my "who has attacked me" list.

    With only 4 threads in GMail, it is fairly easy to see what I've got.
  19. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    Links destroyed aren't necessarily an attack on a portal (directly). Specifically there isn't a way to tell which end of the link the agent is attacking from, so the system can't tell where they were at unless a damage report for damage to the portal itself comes through (in most cases [but not all]) that will come in a separate email. If the link was broken in the last 24 hours, you should be able to pull up the agent in question here and show links they recently have broken.

    Long story short is someone "attacking you" is attacks against portals, not links.