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Implemented Portal group alerts instead of individual portal alerts

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by noteskpe, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. Don't know how possible or practical this would be to implement.

    Would it be great to have more controle over Attack Alerts, especially with regards to portal groups to limit the number of alerts sent to slack.

    Use case example:
    Say I have a portal group of 40ish closely packed portals (named "Smithfield Park" for example) that make up a high level farm, and I set an alert up for it.

    As it is now if one agent setts off a single X8 that hits every portal thats 40 alert messages sent.

    Could it be set just to send one massage saying "Smithfield Park Under Attack" instead of one message for each portal being attacked within the group?

    Even better if it could be set to only send one alert per user-definable time frame, so if they are attacking it for 2 hours it would only keep reminding you with a notification about that group every 15 minutes (or what ever time you set) and not with every damage report received.

    Hope that all made sense.
    digitalpoint likes this.
  2. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    I think something like that might not be too difficult... Will need to go digging in the code guts to say for certain, but I can't think of any difficult hurdle for something like that.

    Internally it already has an alert timeout for individual portals. It won't send an attack alert about the same individual portal for 5 minutes the way it works now.
    notkibkane likes this.
  3. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    It should be working now. The portal groups have a checkbox setting to "Consolidate Alerts Into A Single Group Alert".

    Being able to set an arbitrary threshold on how often until the next alert isn't there though. That gets exponentially more complex internally when you are trying to queue up alerts that could all be variable suppression on alerts. So for now, it just works the same as the individual alerts (5 minute suppression before another alert).
  4. That was ridiculously fast, you rock!
    digitalpoint likes this.
  5. I like and use this feature so, I hope it gets continued development.

    For now, the "Consolidate Alerts..." toggle generates a single alert which reduces the number of alerts in case the same portal is attacked.

    The issue I find is that if you want to go back and determine which portal within the group was attacked, there is no way to get a break down list. The only place I've seen any indication of the specific portal is on the Android notification. Once, you tap the notification, any indication of portal is lost. This is not problematic if the portal group is small or if it is a cluster of adjacent, co-located portals; however, if my portal group consists of many related but geographically disjointed portals, I have trouble determining the portal. Also, getting details on specific portals in a large group might help determine the direction and section the attacker is coming from without subdividing a logical portal group into smaller subgroups for the purposes of defining them here. (Not sure how clearly I stated this)

    I'd like to see a list in the content of the post or a link/URL within the post to a list of specific portals affected. The former may be simpler to accomplish and possibly more useful.
  6. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    Not really sure that would be possible... Since internally it's going to fire the alert after the first thing that could have triggered it. It's not going to wait and compile a list of portals that *could* have triggered it.
  7. I guess there's a record that an event did trigger and a check if that record already exists for the group.
    Accommodating what I'm looking for would require the tabulating of a list of portals actually involved whenever the check matches an existing group alert.
    That wouldn't allow a list to appear in the initial post but it would allow a link to the list.

    Alternatively, the slack post could embed a pretty looking dynamic container for the list like you might embed a video. I think that's technically a link still just a fancy-looking one. I'm shooting for the moon now so, if I get the highest peak it's still awesome!